Employment Law

Here at Marlow Braide, our team of dedicated professionals can help you with all sorts of issues that are relevant to your employment.

Whether you’ve been unfairly dismissed, the manner of your dismissal was unfair, or, perhaps you’ve been unlawfully dismissed because your employer hasn’t paid you your full notice entitlement – we can help with all of these matters.

If you have been made redundant and therefore need to check your rights, or maybe you’ve taken voluntary redundancy and need some advice on a “compromise agreement” get in touch with us today for professional advice. Employers will often meet an employees legal fees in connection with checking whether the agreement is fair and that the employee has been properly consulted and advised.

If life at work becomes so intolerable that the employee does not have an option but to resign. This is called a “constructive dismissal”. This a type of Unfair Dismissal.

If your employer has discriminated against you in any way but typically by reason of your sex, race or disability – again we can assist you with these matters.

Call us today on 0161 474 0628 for straight forward, honest advice.

Alternatively you can contact us using one of the many options via the contact page.

Employment Tribunal – Price Transparency (1) Employee

Employment Tribunal – Price Transparency (2) Employer
